Can I express how satisfied I am with tonight's results? SO SO happy! No offense to Adechike, who had an awesome solo as a last dance on the show, but it was time for him to go. And it looked as though he knew it too.
Did we really need an entire hour to find that out? No. There was a whole lot of filler going on, and I fast-forwarded through approximately thirty minutes out of the entire sixty. Sorry, but I just don't care about all of the filler! Just give me the results, damn it! There were two music guests in Janelle Monae (who is somehow 24 when she looks about 12) and Flo Rida. We also got to see Desmond Richardson perform, and while of course his dancing was superb, I was way distracted by those strange pants. Strange pants will distract me every time.
What I did enjoy were all of the solos, except maybe for Kent's, which was just a lot of gymnastic tumbling around. But Lauren, Adechike and Robert all delivered great solos that demonstrated why they had made it this far in the competition. Way to go!
Next week is the big finale. I think it's a race between Lauren and Kent at this point. Cat mentioned how the top vote getter has been changing from week to week, so maybe Kent doesn't have this thing in the bag quite as much as I had thought! Though he is the only one at this point to have never been in the bottom three, so... But I think Lauren actually has a fighting chance.
I don't really care who wins at this point in the game, I'm just glad that Lauren, Robert and Kent made the top three.
Until next week...
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