The results shook out like so:
Winner - Russell
2nd - Jakob
3rd - Kathryn
4th - Ellenore
5th - Ashleigh
6th - Ryan
So, I've decided since it was the finale show, I'm going to post as many of the youtube clips of the fave performances as I can find. I still wish we had gotten some of the same-sex partner dances, but maybe next season. I also find it interesting that 3 of the top routines were the first week in their own style ones. I agree that those were probably some of the best of the season, but it's interesting because it just shows how there weren't really that many memorable ones otherwise! On to the clips...
Russell, Legacy and Kevin's top 20 hip hop (Lil C's fave)
Tons of fun, though it was apparent in the finale show how much Legacy and Russell had improved over Kevin.
Ellenore and Jakob's contemporary piece by Sonya (Adam Shankman's fave)
Loved it the first time around, loved it again the second time. Sonya and Ellenore are truly a match made in SYTYCD heaven.
Bianca, Peter and Phillip's top 20 tap routine (Nigel's fave)
Bianca and her monkey arms. They still distract me.
Ashleigh and Ryan jive (By special Mary request)
It was actually very exciting to see them perform a number in their own style together. I'm glad we got to see this!
Kathryn and Jakob top 6 contemporary (Nigel's fave)
Lovely, but I'm not as blown away as some people are by this one.
Nathan and Mollee Bollywood (Tyce's fave)
How interesting! I wouldn't have picked this one. I wish I had the one from the finale because I think they performed it better and had better chemistry the second time around.
Ellenore and Legacy top 8 contemporary (Adam Shankman's fave)
Ah, I love this one! Probably this one and the Sonya one are my two favorites from the season!
Russell and Noelle top 16 afro jazz (Debbie Allen's fave)
It's sad that they didn't get to perform this one again. It was kind of strange to just see a taped version, but I guess it proves it was a live show!
Jakob, Nathan, Channing, Ariana top 20 contemporary (Lil C's fave)
I remember loving this one the first time around, and I loved it again this time. I don't think the show really lived up to that top 20 show with the group numbers.
Kathryn and Russell's top 6 hip hop (Mary's fave)
I didn't think this was as great as the judges hyped it up to be, but whatever.
Top 20 Group Performance
This was a fun one too. The show had such promise in the beginning, but I don't think it ever quite lived up to expectations.
Well guys, I am spent. I hope you've all enjoyed the recaps. Are you happy with Russell taking home the crown? Will you be back for a season 7? I think I only will be if it's on in the summer. Of course, I say that now, who knows what would happen when it actually returns.
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