Tuesday, July 30, 2013

SYTYCD S10: Top 14 Perform, 2 Eliminated

Here we are again, one step closer to the top 10, Ameriker! The group performance is pretty cool, seems sort of Cirque de Soleil-esque, yeah? Curtis not in the opening number and can't perform this week. I immediately thought - who's Curtis? That's no good for him. Oh yeah, he's the young tapper kid.

Aaaaand joining Nigel and Mary on the judging panel is Anna Kendrick! I kinda love her, hope she has good comments.
Recap/review of So You Think You Can Dance Season 10 - Top 14 Perform by freshfromthe.com
Jasmine (?!), Alan, Alexis, Curtis, Makenzie, Nico

No guys doing solos though all in danger. Immediate save to Makenzie, virtually sealing Alexis' fate unless Jasmine royally screws up.

Jenna & Tucker - Luther Brown hip hop. He's hitting the moves just fine but there's something a bit awkward about it nonetheless. She's kind of rocking it, though. More believable. Nigel says not convincing enough for him.

Alexis & Nico - Sonya Tayeh contemporary. I hope they don't get super praised for this, because it's really only okay to me. Her fake running looks super weird and over forced. Mary really praises them, hope it doesn't mean Alexis is safe, ugh.

Hayley (& Curtis) - Miriam & Leonardo Argentine tango. Standing in for Curtis is Leonardo himself. Very traditional tango. Really don't think Curtis would've been able to do that justice at all, quite frankly. Pretty much amazing. Loved that cool lift combo at the end.

Makenzie & Paul - Sonya Tayeh jazz. Not sure about these leather get ups. Honestly the outfits were kind of distracting for me. It was a decent routine but I didn't love it as much as I could have, I think? Very sharp. Judges all very complimentary.

Jasmine & Aaron - Justin Giles contemporary, aka the apple routine. Man, she is gorgeous, why was she in the bottom? That was pretty beautiful to me. Judges are pretty complimentary as well. Honestly one of the better dances of the evening so far for me.

Amy & Fik-Shun - Chris Scott hip hop. A super cute routine, nice to see Fik-Shun doing his thing. These two are a great pairing, though Nigel does have a point that they kind of do the same sort of characters every week. As a side note, Fik-Shun is the only one who can get my boyfriend interested in this show, so not sure what that means. Apparently there was some fall in there? I didn't even notice.

Malece & Alan - Jonathan Platero salsa. Wow, that death drop at the beginning is crazy. Can I be honest, though? There's something about Malece that rubs me the wrong way a little. I think maybe she's a little bit cocky and hides it behind the pixie-ness. She's not really moving her hips enough in this for me. The lifts are the only impressive thing, really.

Mini group routine #1 - Spencer Liff broadway. Pretty fun routine, fun to see Spencer standing in for Curtis, Nigel comments that he shows the dancers where they can go, which is definitely true.

Mini group routine #2 - Bonnie Story contemporary. Oh jeez, a PSA dance. Sorry, but this bothers me sometimes. The shadow background is super cool.

Alexis & Curtis  - This is not a surprise at all, but it was certainly time for them to go.

Who will be in the bottom three next week? I think Jenna and Tucker are in trouble. Perhaps Malece and Alan. America doesn't seem to like Alan very much. Maybe Makenzie and Nico as well.

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