Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Brown Butter Rice Krispie Treats

I had meant to post this a while ago. You know, when I actually made them. But then there was this thing called Thanksgiving that happened, and I plum forgot. How very rude of me! Or, maybe I didn't forget, but with the plethora of Thanksgiving-style recipes going on around the web, I thought these would get lost.

And they shouldn't. Because look!

Brown Butter Rice Krispie Treats by

Right? Rice Krispies, marshmallows, browned butter, salt. Where can you go wrong? You really can't. Unless you burn your butter instead of brown it, which is just a sad state of affairs if so.

But, yes. Rice Krispie Treats are good all the year round. Why?

Because they are super duper easy peasy. These are just slightly more fancy than your regular rice krispie treat recipe you find on the box. I will say that I'm not sure I would make these in the same small pan again. I like my treats a little thinner. Mostly because I have a tiny mouth, so it's nearly impossible for me to fully bite into these.

But hey, if you have a big mouth? Go to it!

Brown Butter Rice Krispie Treats

  • 1 stick unsalted butter
  • 1 10 ounce bag mini marshmallows
  • Heaping 1/4 teaspoon coarse sea salt
  • 6 cups Rice Krispies cereal (about half a 12 ounce box)
Cooking Directions
  1. Butter (or coat with non-stick spray) an 8-inch square cake pan. If you want thinner treats, use a larger pan.
  2. In a large pot, melt butter over medium-low heat. It will melt, then foam, then turn clear golden, and finally start to brown and smell deliciously nutty. Stir frequently and don't take your eyes off the pot. There's a small window between brown and burnt, and you don't want burnt.
  3. As soon as the butter takes on a nutty brownish color, turn that heat off and stir in the marshmallows. They should be able to melt just from the butter's heat, but if not, you can turn the stove back on to low to get it all melty and smooth.
  4. Remove the pot from the stove and stir in the salt and cereal together. Quickly spread into prepared pan. Pat down with a non-stick spoon/spatula/whatever you like. Or you can also do some oiled wax paper if you want, but that requires using a whole other thing, so... you know I don't bother!
  5. Let cool, cut into squares and devour!
Recipe via Smitten Kitchen

In Photos:

Browned butter and marshmallows getting ready to melt. No photos of the butter browning as you cannot see it in a black pan and you don't want it to burn while trying to get a good photo!

 Oooh melty.

Add in the rice krispies and salt.

Press into the prepared pan. It goes right to the top!

After they've cooled, cut 'em up and enjoy!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Chuck 5x04 "...vs. the Business Trip"

Now that everyone has figured out that the Intersect in Morgan's brain has slowly been corrupting him, they decide to call in the big guns to get it out - General Beckman. Because, you know, she can also pull the hit that's been put on him for blabbing about it on and on. Once it's out and the hit has been called off, however, they find out that one person is still tracking him down - someone by the codename Viper, who is still on the job thanks to Decker.

While he stays down in Castle's protective steel, Chuck poses as Morgan at a Buy More convention to lure out the hitman, with Sarah along for the ride, of course. They meet some fun fellow Buy Morians and generally have a good time mingling with the normal folk, at least until the bartender tries to choke Chuck to death. But they manager to get the upper hand and bring the joker back to Castle.

Recap/review of Chuck 5x04 'Chuck versus the Business Trip' by freshfromthe.comOnce there, however, Chuck realizes that their lie detector finger things they were using on the people at the convention probably wouldn't work on the hitman, as such a person would be great at lying - like Sarah herself when she accidentally used them on her own arm. Don't even try to look into the logic of these finger things, they're kinda ridic. Anyway! Chuck manages to stop Sarah from going to meet the very person that's after them - a woman she thought was trying to be her friend. No "real" friends in the spy world allowed, Sarah, didn't you know?

They manage to stop her from killing them and bring her down to Castle to be debriefed and taken off the hit. Done and dusted. Right? Wrong! Because she and Decker are in cahoots. Cahoots, I tell you! They have a secret meeting afterward, during which Decker gives her permission to take out those who know her identity. Namely - Casey, Morgan and Alex. Chuck and Sarah are off limits per some nefarious plan Decker has cooking, to be sure. Casey, however, has been monitoring this meeting the entire time, and straight up kills all of them! Not Decker, though, because he was on video chat. Duh. Alas, since Casey is not still within the government's protective bosom, Decker comes to put him under arrest for murder.

Meanwhile, in subplot land, Lester was cooking up a scheme to get into the Buy More convention himself. His mistake, however, was telling the newly reformed Jeff about it. Jeff, in turn, calls the cops and gets Lester arrested! Jeff's newfound brain also helps him tell Devon that Ellie isn't so happy about being back at work as she is letting on, so Devon being Captain Awesome as he is, decides to go back to work to let Ellie have more time with baby Clara. Seriously, are there any faults with that guy? Morgan was also trying to win over his lady love by telling her the truth about why he acted like a douche, but she tells him they can't get back together due to all the lies. The lies! The horror! The lies! Ah well.

Choice Song:

Silver Hands - Alameda


Chuck: So we just need to get it out of your head, let the CIA know it's over, and you'll be safe.
Casey: And a moron again. Sorry, moron still.

"Stop playing with government toys, you have plenty of your own." - Beckman

"Son, are you reading a book?" - Big Mike
"Yes I am." - Jeff
"I'm gonna get my camera." - Big Mike

Previous Episode -- Next Episode

Friday, November 18, 2011

Supernatural 7x09 "How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters"

What started out as a seemingly monster of the week episode turned into quite something else entirely. Bobby and the boys find themselves on a case in New Jersey seemingly having to do with the oft-mentioned Jersey Devil of local lore. But after a visit to BigGerson's and a taste of a super special sandwich start making Dean act, like, totally calm, dude, they realize there is much more at work here.

Because that super special Turducken Slammer sandwich is making anyone who eats it act either like a blissed out stoner, or turn into some kind of crazy monster type that likes the taste of human, and just about any other, flesh. Including cat heads. Yikes. That's because the turducken isn't so much a combo of turkey, duck and chicken as some kind of weird goo made to look like it. Which just so happened to be in the body of that nasty ass former guy-turned-monster that was killing a bunch of people, garnering the attention of Bobby and the boys in the first place. Bobby and the boys, it sounds like a band or something.

Recap/review of Supernatural 7x09 "How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters" by freshfromthe.comWhile Dean is weaned off the effects of the sandwich through sleep and epic amounts of coffee, Sam and Bobby follow the meat delivery truck back to a nondescript large white building. And who should be holing up in that building? None other than Edgar and the Dr. Leviathan. It turns out, Doc Leviathan has been doing some kind of experiment with the sandwiches to make the masses complacent. The mass killing monsters were an unplanned side effect that occurred in .03% of subjects. While the Doc is happy to keep working on it all, Edgar informs him that a certain head honcho Leviathan that we previously met talking to Crowley a few episodes ago, who goes rather appropriately by the name of Dick, is coming by. Better burn those botched experiments!

Since it is a rare chance for them to get some intel on these guys without them knowing it, Bobby and the boys set up a stakeout. Bobby heads for a rooftop with a sound amplifier thingamajig while the boys wait in the van. Only Bobby's hideout isn't so hidey. He's discovered and taken into the newly arrived Dick's office. This is just after Dick has made the Doc "bib" himself - aka eat himself to death. These guys just love consumption! Dick waxes poetical about Bobby not being worth copying, yada yada, but hey, the boys have a plan!

Remember how we found out cleaning stuff hurts these things? They decide to go in, spraying the place with the stuff, to rescue Bobby. Before they get him out, Bobby manages to get a glimpse of what the Leviathan are cooking up in the larger plan department, but as an audience we're not quite sure what it is. And it may be that we never find out!

Because, gasp! The boys get Bobby into the back of the van, but Dick comes a runnin' after them, shooting his newly bought gun. And, gulp, he manages to shoot Bobby! In the head! Through one of his beloved trucker hats! Omg! Bobby!

If Bobby dies, Dean will really lose it. Because let's not forget, that was the emotional story of this episode. While Dean was taking a nap, Sam brought up to Bobby that something isn't right with him. He's not into the hunting stuff like normal, that sort of thing. Which is... sort of old hat news. These have been issues with him for seemingly forever. Bobby basically tells Sam that he and Dean need to quit worrying about each other all the time. But later, he talks to Dean himself, basically telling him to quit acting like he's not a hunter and get his head on straight. I'm not so sure he'll be able to do that if Bobby goes off into the great white yonder, though.

The next episode is the last one before the winter hiatus. I can't believe it's already been practically half a season already! Where does the time go?

Random Thoughts:

- Turducken Slammer! Big Bird. Ken Doll. Creepy Uncle! Always a good time at BigGersons!

- Glampers. This is something I have not heard of before, so I'm impressed Sam and Dean know the term!

- Bobby talking about death with Dean was a bit of foreshadowing to that ending, right? Is he gonna make it?!

- The photoshopping with Dick Roman... wow.

- There is mention of Sam still having Satan hanging around, and more of the hand massaging... is it going to become an issue again, or does he actually have a handle on it? It seems too easily handled if that is the case.


"Stop trying to wrestle with the big picture, son, you're gonna hurt your head." - Bobby

Brandon: Do I look like a freakin' hostess?
Dean: Do you want to look like a hostess?
Sam: That didn't really make sense...what you... said.

"It's like the perfect storm here, top three edible birds." - Dean

"That is... just gonna ruin the leather." - Dean

"You die before me and I'll kill ya." - Bobby

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Chuck 5x03 "...vs. the Frosted Tips"

The downward spiral of one Morgan Grimes continued this week as his jerkish behavior only multiplied. After putting in his three week's notice (backdated three weeks, naturally), and dumping Alex via text ("DMP'd!"), the Carmichael gang found out that wasn't all. Thanks to a bug Casey planted on Verbanski earlier, they find out Morgan is even more nefarious than his newly frosted tips. He's joined Verbanski's team - all while going on and on about the Intersect. Because it's definitely smart to talk and talk and talk about a secret government computer thing that's in your brain!

While Chuck and Casey are pretty much just pissed at him, Sarah starts to wonder if something isn't really, really wrong. Well, duh. The fact that Chuck doesn't get that is pretty weak. His memories of the past are going the way of the dodo, and after Sarah chats with Ellie about it, she convinces Chuck he has to get Morgan to remember who he was.

Recap/review of Chuck 5x03 'Chuck versus the Frosted Tips' by freshfromthe.comThis is all going down while they're doing spy stuff, of course. Infiltrating Verbanski Corp to steal back a USB drive that Morgan stole earlier. A USB drive from General Beckman, with information on some dude named Zorn who wants to sell CIA operative info to someone or something. I don't particularly care about the spy missions anymore. Does anyone?

In the end, after fighting on a rooftop next to a helicopter, because that's where it's always best to fight, Chuck manages to get Morgan remembering this particular incident in junior high. Morgan had started to act like a jerk because he had grown a mustache before Chuck, but a girl then pantsed him, which brought him back down to his previous nerd level. The two then teamed up to get back at her by putting the shaved remnants of said mustache into her sandwich. Grosssss. This all works really too easily to get Morgan to remember, but it happens just in time, because that helicopter? Is about to blow up. Ka-boom!

Morgan's back on their side, but his problems aren't over. Chuck goes to meet with General Beckman, who informs him that a hit has been put out on Morgan, thanks to his overactive mouth blabbing on about the Intersect.

Meanwhile, Awesome starts his paternity leave with cute little Clara, which turns out to be a lot more boring than he imagined. He goes into the Buy More to kill some time, and notices Jeff acting super crazy. He tells him, as a doctor, to quit sleeping in his van, and when Jeff heeds that advice, he turns into a normal, sane person. What will this mean for Jeffster?

Choice Songs:

Strangers in the Night - The Morning Benders

Through the Crowd - Hotel Lights


"You're starting to remind me of seventh grade Morgan, and I think we both know what happened to him." - Chuck

"My biological clock is tick tocking." - Lester

"Guys, let's save Morgan." - Chuck
"If we must." - Casey

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Supernatural 7x08 "Seven 7, Time for a Wedding!"

So, here's the thing. Becky, in small doses, is funny. Large amounts of Becky? Annoying. And also, here's my turn to gripe about the "Then" segment. Because, even though I didn't know that Becky was going to be the mystery girl Sam gets married to before the episode, obviously I figured it out based on the previously on bit. Look, I get why, but most of the people who watch this show are ones who are, you know, kind of like Becky. We know all. We don't need such blatant reminders. I digress.

The episode started with Dean alone in a bar and/or strip club in Vegas, chatting up a chatty waitress/stripper. Less chatting, more lamenting that his "little" brother went off on some soul-searchy hike thing rather than enjoy their annual Vegas trip. Said brother texts him not moments later, telling him to meet at an address, and wear the Fed suit.

Because guess what! Sam's gettin'  hitched! Wait a minute. What? And he's not just getting married to some random, oh no, he's getting married to, not a surprise at all because duh it was in the "Then," super Sam fan Becky! Though Dean clearly knows strange things are afoot at the Circle K, Sam is all "I love her, dude," and they get married.

Recap/review of Supernatural 7x08 "Seven 7, Time for a Wedding!" by freshfromthe.comWith Sam gone off into la la crazy land, Dean is forced to team up with a local hunter while Bobby roots out an Oregon (Oregon shoutout!) nest. Garth is the guy's name, and he holds his own with Dean on the job. See, it's not just the Sam and Becky situation that's weird in this town. Other people seem to be having their dreams come true, only to die in spectacular fashion (a la baseballs to the face) days later. They find out this is indeed the work of a demon trading for souls, but why oh why are these soul-selling yahoos dying so quickly? Hmmmmmm!

Becky's about to find out, because hey, the potion she's been using on Sam - yes, duh, she's using a potion, obviously Sam would not actually fall for her! - has worn off, and she's plum out. She calls up her supposedly Wiccan friend Guy (never trust a guy named Guy) and meets with him to get some more. Of course, that's when Guy lets the cat out of the bag. He is a crossroads demon, and he'll make a special deal for Becky. Instead of the normal 10 years, he'll give her 25 years of lovey dovey Sam.

Though at first it looks like she might take the deal out of sheer loneliness and longing, Beck's not dumb. She gets the guys to help devil's trap the demon and confess what he's been up to. Though it's true he's been giving the people the normal deal, he also has an apprentice of sorts who does some dirty business soon after. Loopholes, you see. He doesn't kill them, but they can still die. Soon enough we have some fighting, Becky kills herself the demon apprentice, and bing bam - Crowley shows up!

Wait, Crowley? Indeed. The King of Hell makes a reappearance to tell Guy that he is not pleased with his idea of innovation. He also informs the Winchesters that the reason they've been so demon free lately is because Crowley wants them to go after the Leviathan baddies. He doesn't like the suckers either. They strike a deal - Crowley negates all of Guy's contracts, and they give him over. Easy peasy lemon squeezey.

And Sam gets himself an annulment with Becky, though not without a few nice parting words after she is such a little sad puppy. But hey, it looks like Garth might be interested. So there ya go.

Sam and Dean end the episode with a patented roadside chat, which basically amounts to Dean saying Sam's a grown up, and Sam telling Dean to look out for himself for a change. Look out for himself? What is this madness?

Random Thoughts:

- The exploding cake opening was awesome! Love.

- Dean bringing up Sam's not so great track record with women. HA! So true, so true.

- Sam telling Dean he can take care of himself for a change. But Sam, Dean doesn't know how to do that. The look on his face just proved it.


"I thought you'd be taller." - Garth

Sam: What's with the scrawny guy?
Dean: Temp.

Dean: Why do people keep thinking I'm threatening them?
Garth: 'Cause it sounded exactly like a threat, dude.

Sam: Becky, why am I not wearing any pants?
Becky: They're very constricting.

"You're so pathetic, it actually loops back around again to cute." - Guy

"Aw, you made a fwend." - Sam

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Caramel Pumpkin Blondies

Have you ever found yourself thinking some sort of trendy new saying in the lexicon is kind of dumb - then soon enough you're saying it too? A recent trend lately is just shortening stuff. Ridiculous = ridic. That sort of thing. I think we can blame text culture.

But, jeez, it's ridic when you find yourself using the sayings you disdain! How does this happen? Are we all going Stepford without knowing it? What is the world coming to? Mindless automatons!

This really has nothing to do with this recipe. It's just a thought. They happen. In my brain. Let's get back to baking.

Caramel Pumpkin Blondies by

Yep. The fall-winter pumpkin love affair is officially in progress. I've got another pumpkin recipe for you. Alas, to me, this one is not as good as the coffee cake I made recently. Seriously. Go make that thing.

But this is good too. It's less soft cakey, more like a brownie with a caramel filling. Which is what it's supposed to be - duh. I think if you made your own homemade caramel, it might be pretty amazing.
I didn't do that. Whoops.

Caramel Pumpkin Blondies
(via Tasty Kitchen)

3/4 cups butter, softened
1 cup packed brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup pumpkin puree
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 tsp salt

1/4 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
14 ounces, weight, Caramels, unwrapped (1 bag)
1/4 cups heavy cream

Preheat oven to 350F. Lightly grease a 9×13 pan set aside.

In a large bowl, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Stir in eggs, vanilla and pumpkin until combined. Slowly incorporate the remaining ‘blondies’ ingredients into the batter. Scrape sides of bowl and mix again briefly to ensure a smooth batter. Spread about 2/3 of the batter evenly into the prepared pan.

For the filling: Sprinkle chocolate chips over top of the batter.

Place caramels and cream into a heat-proof bowl. Microwave on high until caramel is smooth and completely melted, being sure to stir every 20 seconds. Stop as soon as it’s melted and smooth (or it will get weird and gross!).

Pour melted caramel over chocolate. Spread around evenly. Place dollops of the remaining batter over the top of the caramel layer. Spread those dollops out to try and get a smooth layer of batter over top. (It’s fine if some of the caramel layer is showing through.)

Bake for 25 minutes or until edges are golden and a toothpick comes out clean when inserted. (It might come out with a little caramel on it which is fine. You don’t want batter on the toothpick.)

Cool completely before serving.

In Photos:

Batter all spread out. No photos of the making of the batter, because it wasn't pretty. I was using the remaining pumpkin pie filling and doing my own thing. I don't recommend it.

Chocolate chips! The original recipe calls for nuts, but I wholeheartedly disapprove of nuts in baked goods.

The most annoying part of this recipe? Unwrapping the caramels! 

Ooey gooey. This will take a couple minutes total to get done. Definitely make sure you stir every 20 seconds or so.

Spread out the caramel layer. Oh look, the chocolate chips kinda melt and spread!

The final layer of remaining batter. As you can see, some caramel peeks through. It's fine.

Comes out all golden-y.

If you don't wait until it's cooled, you'll get a lot of melty caramel spillage.

Grab yourself a slice. Would also be good with whipped cream or ice cream.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Supernatural 7x07 "The Mentalists"

OMG. I was sitting here watching the show, when I swore I could hear something scratching outside my door. Once, I put it off as hearing things. Twice, I start to get creeped. Three times, and I mute the TV and go wide eyes staring at the door. Then it hits me - it's those stupid ads people are always sticking in my door! Egads, that had me fa-reaked. It turns out there was a whole mess of papers scattered all over my porch, actually. How they got there, I'm not sure, as they weren't there when I came in a few hours ago.

Anyway! Let's get back to business. After last week's revelations, Sam and Dean have been split up for about a week or so. Dean jimmies himself a car wherever he's at, and hears about some psychics getting killed up in Lily Dale, NY. And who should he find there investigating the same thing? Well, duh. Sam! Sam is not really pleased to see Dean there, but reluctantly agrees to work with him on the case, though nixing any gooey self help yoga talk.

After Grandma Goldy and another psychic were both killed while wearing the same necklace, the boys think perhaps they could be dealing with some kind of cursed object. They track down Goldy's granddaughter Melanie, who informs them the necklace was already left to some shop in town. The estate? Who cares! They confiscate said necklace from the shop owner, only to find it's not some mystical object after all. That's one lead gone!

Recap/review of Supernatural 7x07 "The Mentalists" by freshfromthe.comBut hey, after the local spoon bender is killed by his cutlery, they find out he had some kind of vision beforehand about his death. And Melanie finds a message from her grandma saying the same thing. Sam and Dean aren't really sure what to do with this information, however, as the town is crawling with "psychics," who are all sort of magnets for this type of ghost haunting or whatever. Luckily, Melanie's friend has her very own vision of her upcoming death, and this time it's caught on tape. Ghost on tape! Melanie recognizes the ghost as someone she thinks she saw in the local museum.

Turns out said ghost chick is one of a pair of sisters from back in the day who had visions of people's deaths. Sound familiar? She also happens to be buried in the local cemetery. Time for every Winchester's favorite pastime - grave digging! Just as they're about to torch her bones, however, she shows up and tries to give them a warning - that she's actually been warning the people, not actually killing them. They don't figure that out until after they've already burnt her bones and Melanie's friend has been killed the way she foresaw, though. D'oh!

Yep, she was just trying to warn people about her crazy ghost sister. The boys head off to burn those bones, only to find the grave empty. Which apparently means that someone is doing some kind of binding spell on her bones to make her do their bidding. And the next person on the list to get ghost killed? Melanie, por supuesto! Dean sends Sam off to find the bones while he sticks behind to protect Melanie from the evil ghost lady with nasty teeth and, let's face it, a bit of a pompadour hairdo.

Sam goes to track down who would've bought some kind of altar that would've been needed for the ritual back at that shop from earlier. The shop owner sends him on a bit of a wild goose chase, though, until Sam figures out it's actually the shop owner dude who's doing the ghost bidding. See, he's an actual real psychic and can't even pay his bills, while all of these fakes are making bank. Thus, revenge. They tussle some, and Sam has to actually shoot the guy dead. We see a lot of monster killing on this show, but rarely do we see them kill other people, psychic or otherwise. Sam manages to burn the bones just in time. Day. Saved.

Throughout all of this, Dean has been trying to get Sam to stop being a nasty meanie toward him. At first he just tries to be jokey old Dean, but after he gets a little psychic help from Ellen via the museum curator, he decides to confront him. And wouldn't you know, it seems to work! What's this? Talking helps straighten out feelings? Bzzuh? But that's not the patented Winchester way of avoidance and melancholy!

Indeed, at the end of the episode, Sam decides he's okay with joining Dean again. He admits that if Amy hadn't been someone he knew, he probably would've killed her too, thereby understanding Dean's rationale for doing what he did. He does, however, push Dean into admitting that he's not okay either. And, wouldn't you know? Dean actually opens up a bit, saying he's had a hard time trusting anybody since the whole thing with Cas went down, and that he hates lying to Sam, and that's part of why he's been crawling the walls lately. Is this... growth? What! Hah.

Random Thoughts: 

- I have a hard time believing they wouldn't have burned both sisters' bones at the same time just to be sure. Come on, son.

- All of the little observations about the boys were great. How Melanie could tell just by their body language that Sam was pissed and Dean was stressed. And by the end that things were getting better.

- The "Campbells" at the museum. Clearly they were wondering whether they could be distant relatives, but it turned out they weren't actually brothers, but rather pretending so they could hide their, uh, secret relationship. Because they were gay! I can say it!

- The special effects for the burning bones were pretty cool this time. Seeing it go through Dean was especially neat.

- Next week looks crazypants! In a good way. I hope.


Waiter: You are a virile manifestation of the divine.
Dean: What the hell did he just say to me?

"He broke my spoon." - Sam (the new "I lost my shoe"?)

Sam: Well, um, we're not FBI Agents.
Melanie: I need a drink.
Dean: I support that.

"I feel naked doing this in the daylight." - Dean

"Ahh, I can't believe he was boning her." - Dean, always classy

Previous Episode -- Next Episode

Chuck 5x02 "...vs. the Bearded Bandit"

Honestly this felt like sort of a filler episode. A set up for next week, which looks much more interesting. But before we talk about that, let's go over what did happen this episode.

Carmichael Industries got itself a paying client in the form of Karl Sneijder, a diamond smuggler or some such whose brother Wesley has apparently been kidnapped. Though the dude has a less than shiny history, the gang decides to take him on as a client anyway, since he weaves a tale of competition wanting to kill the little bro. It turns out, however, that Mr. Sneijder is full of crap, because once the team does manage to infiltrate the highly guarded compound that Wesley is in, they discover that he put himself in hiding, because it's actually Karl that wants to kill him. Blah blah, who really cares.

Recap/review of Chuck 5x02 'Chuck versus the Bearded Bandit' by freshfromthe.comThe main point of the episode was more about Morgan dealing with being the Intersect, but not being treated like a real spy or part of the team, being told more than once to stay in the van or just plain stay. Sarah suggests Chuck take on the role of his handler much like she and Casey did for Chuck back in the day. Of course, it's harder when Chuck has a tendency to let Morgan do some crazy stuff. Like decide to take on Sneijder without any backup. That's right, he forces Chuck to go with him to Sneijder's home base fortress place to take him down, but it does not go well. Chuck, luckily, was able to call Sarah and call in the cavalry before they were captured by Sneijder.

Without the government backing them up, however, Sarah and Casey were hard-pressed to find a way in to the impenetrable fortress. Well! It just so happens that they met a rival spy-for-hire team earlier on in the episode - Verbanski Corp, headed by Gertrude Verbanski (guest star Carrie-Anne Moss), who Casey has a history with. She also tried to recruit Sarah earlier on in the episode, but naturally Sarah refused. But, when they're in trouble, they're forced to call on her to help them get Chuck and Morgan out of trouble.

Morgan is upset with Chuck for having called in the backup, though. He's not so keen to sit on the sidelines, even though Chuck tries to give him a pep talk after all is said and done, assuring him that someday he will get to join the spy game on a more permanent basis. But something is fishy with Morgan. He didn't get a Indiana Jones reference earlier in the night! Which, duh, spells trouble. And is only confirmed when he turns up at Verbanski Corp looking to be hired, and even tells her that he's got the Intersect in his brain. Idiot move, dude. But okay, if he wasn't getting Indiana Jones and Star Wars references, then why did he make his own references to Spiderman and Batman?

And also? Why would Sarah have had Verbanski Corp programmed into her phone when they first called her earlier on in the episode? Seems unlikely.

Meanwhile, on the Buy More front, there was a distinct lack of customers frequenting the place. Big Mike decides to put together a commercial (after his own commercial from the 1970s was shot down by Chuck), using none other than Captain Awesome. Because hey, he's Awesome. And it apparently only takes days to make a commercial and get it onto the air, and have people respond to it, because by the end of the episode, the place is already hopping with more people. Logic? What's that?

Next week, we find out what the Intersect is doing to Morgan's brain, because it doesn't look good.

Choice Songs:

Complexity - Boots Electric

Half Moon - Blind Pilot


Chuck: Do you even know what bandit means? It's like robber or crook.
Morgan: No, I googled it. It's slang also for fighter aircraft.

"You and I are like Batman and Robin. Unless you don't want to be Robin, because let's face it, who wants to be Robin?" - Morgan

"...creamy skin and unusually high cheekbones..." - Big Mike's description of Awesome

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