Monday, February 28, 2011

Chuck 4x17 "...vs. the First Bank of Evil"

I'm not sure about everyone else, but this episode wasn't that exciting for me. I give it a solid shoulder shrug. That would be a fun ratings system. Disgusted head shake, shoulder shrug, fist pump. Tangent alert!
This week we got to see just what was waiting for Vivian in her father's secret lair after getting the tease last week. So what was waiting? A plastic/glass/clear substance that had a number on it. What else was waiting? Volkoff's lawyer, in the form of Ray Wise aka Riley. Riley tells Vivian that her dad has set it all up for her to take over the family biz, but she doesn't want none o' that. She tries to politely decline, but when Riley becomes something other than polite, she goes ninja on his ass and escapes.

Vivian heads straight over to her friends in Castle and gives them the lowdown. Chuck, thanks to senor intersect-o, knows that the mystery card she has actually is a card for the Bank of Macau. Real country? Incidentally, yes. I looked it up. Beckman mandates that they must use Vivian as an asset to get into Volkoff's bank account and freeze the funds. So it's teleport to Macau time! Honestly, they must have perfected teleportation with the amount of bopping over back and forth between other countries they do all the time.

Recap/review of Chuck 4x17 'Chuck versus the First Bank of Evil' by freshfromthe.comChuck tries to pose as her bodyguard and go in with her to the vault area, but DUH, they don't let anyone but account holders back there, and I'm not sure why they're surprised by this fact. That is a general bank fact, is it not? Get it together, people, get it together. Chuck then spies his way through an emergency stairwell up to the vault level, and happens to see ever so conveniently into a secret room where there are a bunch of, apparently stolen, servers from the Chinese military. This bank is up to something shady! No time for them to figure out what to do about that now, though, because Chuck is spotted and Vivian has to get him out of a spot of trouble so they can be on their way.

After Beckman finds out about the servers, she wants to use Vivian again to get in there and plant some kind of digital tracker so they can see what info is being processed on those babies, because I guess the bank is doing deals with terrorists and such, black market style. Chuck makes a deal with Vivian that if she helps them again, they'll get her a visit with her dad. Because what was in the deposit box at the bank? Just some photos and clippings about her. She wants to know just what the deal is.

Yada yada, they go back, cause a scene while Vivian uploads the tracker. Riley just so happens to also be there, and tells Vivian to give him a call when the CIA renegs on their deal for her to meet with her dad, which unfortunately is exactly what they do when they get back. And what does she do? She goes to meet Riley. Way to mess that up, CIA.

Meanwhile, in subplot land, Sarah is feeling overwhelmed by all of the wedding decisions that have to be made. Roses? Orchids? She has not a clue. Chuck advises her to pick one thing to get excited about, and move from there. She chooses the dress, and from there it snowballs. Suddenly it's lilies and private islands and otherwise impossibly expensive things. They've created a monster, indeed.

Morgan, on the other hand, is having trouble finding a new place to live. He tries to post an ad on craigslist looking for a roommate, but Lester and Jeff sabotage those plans. He ends up staying at the Buy More, and inadvertently stumbles into the whole secret mission thing Casey has going on. We don't find out what any of that is about, but Morgan leverages his knowledge into a place to stay at Casey's. That should be interesting, living with the father of your girlfriend! Not awkward at all!


"I am growing mentally, and emotionally. Physically. Not so much physically, but some people are saying that I'm acting taller." - Morgan

"I have no idea what you're doing right now." - Jeff

"What's going on there, caselogic?" - Morgan

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Friday, February 25, 2011

Supernatural 6x15 "The French Mistake"

Um. Can I just say? This episode is probably going in my top 10 ever. Yeah, I went there. I was cracking up for pretty much the entirety of the episode. This was perhaps the episode most like a love letter to everyone involved, from those who work on the show, to all of us fans out here in the world. So many little in jokes, I'm sure I didn't even catch them all on this first viewing. In short: awesome. Awesomesauce.

What happened to make it so great? You see, Balthazar, in attempt to hide the key to the storage locker of all the Heavenly weapons, decides to zap Dean and Sam off to an alternate reality with the key. The alternate reality just so happens to be one in which they are actually Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, actors on the show Supernatural.

Let's face it, most of the episode was spent with Sam and Dean trying to navigate this new world and figure out a way to get home, so there wasn't a ton going on with the plot. And that was perfectly fine. After heading home for the night, they realize that Jared is married to Ruby - aka Genevieve Cortese, along for the ride - and that in this world, they have loads of money and apparently don't talk unless they're filming.

Recap/review of Supernatural 6x15 "The French Mistake" by freshfromthe.comThey decide the best way to try to get back to their own world is to recreate the spell that Balthazar did to send them there in the first place, which requires them to buy a lot of stuff rather shadily. But in this non-supernaturalified world, the spell doesn't work. Because there was no apocalypse, there are no hunters, and heaven and hell don't exist. Are they going to be stuck in Oz forever?

If so, they won't be alone, because the angel hit man Raphael sent after Balthazar, Virgil, has followed the Winchesters into this alterna-world. But guess what! He doesn't have his special angel powers here either! Though he does still manage to steal the key Balthazar put in Sam's pocket. But hey, how ever will they get home? Virgil has a plan. He follows Misha to his car and - gasp! Kills the poor dear, in order to use his blood to make a super special phone call to Raphael across the void. Somehow, this call works, and Raphael sends a message that he'll open up the portal in the same place and at the same time that Virgil originally went through. Luckily, a nearby homeless man saw and overheard all of this, so he was able to inform the boys of the plan.

They manage to intercept Virgil before he goes through the void, and grab the key from him just in time to jump back through themselves. Raphael, in a shiny new female meat suit, is there waiting for them, demanding the key. Balthazar shows up before he can do any real damage and informs Raph that the boys never had the real key, they were just a diversion. He already gave the key to someone else - Castiel! Cas pops in and warns Raph to get out of there pronto, before he gets all medieval on him/her. Raph and Balthazar both take off, leaving Cas to come clean that he sort of knew about Balthazar's diversion plan, and that he would've done the same thing. And even though the boys ask Cas to please explain just what is going on in heaven to make things so bad, Cas just says he'll tell them later and leaves.

Random thoughts and highlights:

- The "acting" montage. Dean doing an extra gruff voice - "that's how he does it" ..shrug. Sam not knowing what to do with his hands, so he waves them all over the place. Misha getting increasingly frustrated, and his tweet after that they must've been on a bender.

- The Days of Our Lives clip! OMG. AMAZING. Especially since I may or may not have watched Days back in those days.

- The pictures in Jared's house - especially the cowboy one on the horse! As Misha would tweet - ROFLMAO!

- 'Eric Kripke' coming on set to fix things after everyone thinks the boys are having a psychotic break. He's more excited about a Variety cover and his upcoming Octocobra than he is upset about Misha's untimely demise. Plus, that death scene. Ha. Great.

- An alpaca? Ha, ok. Apparently alpacas and otters are Jared's dogs in this Supernatural reality.

- Dean considers that it might not be so bad to just stay in this world and live these lives, but Sam points out that they're not even brothers here. Aww.

- The mention of the impala brotherly bonding scenes! HA!

- Also the mention of "not many people do" watch the show. Sad but true facts.

- So much more. What are your favorite moments?

Quotes... I really could've just put the entirety of the dialogue here, but here are some of my favorites:

"Aw crap, I'm a painted whore." - Dean

"Dude, they put freakin' makeup on us. Bastards." - Dean

"We landed in some dimension where you're Jensen Ackles and I'm something called a Jared Padalecki." - Sam
"So, what, now you're Polish?" - Dean

"I wanna go home. I feel like this whole place is bad touching me." - Dean

"Misha. Jensen. What's up with the names around here?" - Dean

"Dude, we're not even in America." - Dean

"What am I, Dracula?" - Sam
"George Hamilton Dracula." - Dean

"Well, looks like you did all right." - Dean
"Yeah. Yeah. I should figure out her name." - Sam

"What's happening?" - 'Bob Singer'
"An atrocity is happening." - ? Didn't catch his name

"Yeah that's right, the scary man killed the attractive crying man, and then he started to pray." - Homeless guy

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Glee 2x14 "Blame it on the Alcohol"

This week's blatant theme of the week - alcohol is bad! Not quite a "super special" episode, but in Glee land, it came close. I did like that they only had four songs. I know I say that every single time they have less than five, but seriously, sometimes they have six, and that's just too many.

For Alcohol Awareness Week, Figgins tasked the glee club with coming up with something for an assembly at the end of the week. This somehow led them to suddenly desire having a party thanks to Rachel's dads being out of town, where they all got really drunk, which led to a hot kiss between Rachel and Blaine... and can I just say? Those two have more chemistry than Rachel and Finn. Am I alone in thinking that? Their duet was kind of great, too. Rachel decided she wanted to try and take the relationship further, and asked Blaine out on a date. He agree, suddenly unsure of whether he was actually gay or not, since he'd never really had a boyfriend either. Kurt freaks out about it, as he tends to do a lot lately. In the end, when Rachel kisses him while they're both sober, Blaine decides that he really is gay, so it was only a brief flirtation with the ladies.

Recap/review of Glee 2x14 "Blame it on the Alcohol" by freshfromthe.comMeanwhile, Beiste told Will that he really needed to de-stress and relax after everything that's been going on in his life lately. She took him to Rosalita's Roadhouse, a honky tonk bar, and he got totally wasted. He ended up drunk dialing Emma, or so he thought. I think we all knew as soon as Sue's name showed up on his phone that he would accidentally dial her. But that didn't stop her from doing the obvious and playing the message over the speaker phone for the entire school to hear. The dangers of drunk dialing, to be sure.

And what happened at the big assembly? The kids decided to perform a Ke$ha song, but ended up getting sick in the middle of it thanks to all of the drinking they'd been doing. Figgins thinks it was all acting on their part, and congratulates them on a job well done, because the kids in school have stopped showing up drunk. I don't know if school is different now, but I hardly ever recall seeing people drunk at school. This comes as a surprise to absolutely no one, I'm sure.

In the end, Will gets the club to agree to sign a pact to stop drinking, at least until they are done with Nationals.

There was also a whole bit about Burt getting upset with Kurt for letting Blaine stay the night without his permission, which Kurt got all pissy about. Kurt has become rather unlikable lately, and so has Finn for that matter. When he told a drunk Rachel that she was being needy and annoying at the party? Jeez. Someone deflate that huge head of his already.


Don't You Want Me - Blaine & Rachel
Blame it on the Alcohol - Artie, Puck, Mercedes, Santana
One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer - Will & Beiste
Tik Tok - Brittany


"Tell them I'll go if they go." - Mercedes
"Tell them yourself, I ain't no pony express." - Artie

"But it's alcohol awareness week." - Brittany
"Precisely, and I am aware of how much fun alcohol is." - Santana

"It tastes like pig! It tastes like piiiiig!" - Rachel

"You know, I sat through that whole Brokeback Mountain. From what I gather, something went down in the tent." - Burt

"How 'bout you crack a Four Loco, Count Boozy Von Drunk a Ton?" - Santana

"That's a fair amount of the pot calling the kettle black right now." - Quinn
"That is so racist..." - Brittany

"Who cares about you, buddy? I may get a new boyfriend out of this who can keep up with me vocally and in the future give me vaguely Eurasian looking children." - Rachel

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Monday, February 21, 2011

Chuck 4x16 "...vs. the Masquerade"

Pardon me if this recap might be slightly off tonight, but I just managed to poke myself in the eye, and it's feeling a bit funky. Eye poking? Not so great. How did I do it, you ask? I don't even know. I am a mystery even unto myself. Moving on!
The main event on Chuck tonight revolved around a girl named Vivian. You see, this dude named Boris was after her, because he believed her to have a key of some kind, that would give him access to Volkoff's lair, or something. The CIA picks up on this, and sends in the team to find Vivian and protect her from Boris et al. They manage to get her out, and soon discover that she's not so much connected to Volkoff (I seriously almost just wrote Voldemort! Ha!) in a job-related way as she's more actually related. As in, his daughter. Dun dun dun! They cart her back to Castle for some debriefing, and find out she knew nothing about what Volkoff actually did, since she barely ever saw him, and was mostly just off in boarding schools or learning other random skills.

Now, though, she wants to help the team take down Boris and his dudes, rather than just sit back and let other people keep taking care of her. They jet back to England, apparently, because they can just fly anywhere and everywhere at the drop of a hat and also in 2 seconds. They first set up Sarah as a decoy Vivian riding her horse, but she gets taken down by some of Boris' men. Casey saves Sarah before some other guys kill her, while Vivian and Chuck get on their own horse to, I guess, go help. Though Casey doesn't actually need any help in killing all of the guys. Vivian and Chuck get separated, and she ends up face to face with Boris. He tries to get her to give him the key, but she doesn't know what he's talking about. And by this time I think most of us will have figured out that this special key is the necklace she always wears, which she seems to cotton on to at this point too. Boris threatens her again, and she ends up shooting him.

With Boris behind her, Vivian takes off on her own to figure out what she wants to do with her life, and secretly goes off to Volkoff's old lair. She finds the lock that the key fits, and it opens some mysterious door with a bright light. Uh oh, is she going to follow in her father's footsteps? Does that deserve another dun dun dun? Dun dun dun!

Meanwhile, Morgan is starting to feel like the third wheel in the living situation he has going on with Chuck and Sarah, mostly thanks to some nudging from Casey. This prompts him to decide to move out, despite both Chuck and Sarah telling him he doesn't need to. In the end, however, he does go through with it.

Recap/review of Chuck 4x16 'Chuck versus the Masquerade' by freshfromthe.comAmid all the action, Casey is propositioned by someone named Jane something or other, to have his own team rather than be the backup for every Chuck and Sarah mission. He says he's not going to leave Burbank, but she shows him that he doesn't have to. Whatever mysterious team she wants him to head has some equally mysterious red hallway and door within Castle. Guesses?

And for a bit of levity in this episode, we got to see how Ellie and Devon have been dealing with being new parents. It turns out that Clara is a bit of crier, and they have hardly been able to get any sleep. And what do they find that eventually gets her to fall asleep? Music by the one and only Jeffster! It does, however, eventually let them get up the courage to start putting her in her nursery rather than in their room with them, since the Jeffster was just too much for their minds to handle. I kind of loved seeing the two of them harried, since they always seem to be the most put together people on the show.

This episode felt like a transitioner to the next big chapter. Will Vivian go to the dark side, or will she turn her father's evil empire into a force for good? Is this secretly the next chapter in Star Wars? I guess we'll have to keep tuning in to find out. Hyuck hyuck.

Song choice of the night:

No Time for Dreams by Last Days of April


"It's just a bunch of socialites wearing masks." - Sarah
"Yeah, it could be that. Or it's a sex-crazed orgy party, where they don't want you to see their faces or know their secrets." - Chuck
"No, no, I've been to those kinds of parties, and it doesn't look anything like this." - Sarah

"Wake up Grimes, you're living with an engaged couple. It's like you're their kid." - Casey

"Ellie Bartowski-Woodcomb." - Lester
"Hilary Rodham-Clinton. ... Oh, are we not playing that game?" - Jeff

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Friday, February 18, 2011

Supernatural 6x14 "Mannequin 3: The Reckoning"

Um, I really don't remember the last time I have been so creeped out during a Supernatural episode. Seriously, what is it about dolls come to life that is so terrifying? Just that little eyeball moving of its own accord in the opening scene! Agh. AGH! Agh agh agh! I full on started whimpering, knowing it was coming. "Oh no, this is going to be creepy. aaahhhh... creepy!" may have left my mouth. Maybe.

Let's see how many times I can use the word creepy, shall we? Maybe I'll mix it up and use disturbing, freaky, eerie weirdness factor. Creepstermaximus. Okay. Sorry. But also? This episode had totally weird pacing/structure. I'm not saying it was necessarily bad, but it felt funky to me.  I suppose I have gotten used to things going a certain way. Mixin' it up, peeps.

Recap/review of Supernatural 6x14 "Mannequin 3: The Reckoning" by freshfromthe.comThe episode started right where the last one left off - with Sam down for the count on the floor. He seemed to be completely unresponsive, setting Dean's worst nightmares in motion. Luckily, he was only out for a couple of minutes, though to him it felt more like a week. But Sam appears to still be intact. At least for now, anyway. Dean encourages him to let the past stay in the past, so of course what happens? His past comes back to bite him too! How apropos. But that's getting a little bit ahead.

Because, see, their case this week? Super, wait for it, creepy. A janitor was killed in a science lab, and then a dude at a doll factory or some sort of factory also gets killed in the same way. That is, they get this mystery gash appearing on their foreheads, and some mannequins start following them around until boom - death. At first they don't see the connection between the two, especially since they happened in two different counties, but then they discover that they had actually all worked at the factory together, and during that time, a nice woman named Rose went missing.

Okay well technically, Sam found out most of this all on his lonesome, because Dean has been getting numerous calls from Lisa this whole time. He finally picks it up and lo, it's Ben, telling Dean that there's something wrong with Lisa and he's got to come lickety split. Of course, Ben is actually lying, which I think we all already knew, except for Dean, because when Dean shows up at their house, it turns out that Lisa's just about ready to go on a third date with someone, so Ben was just trying to get Dean back in their lives. Aww. I mean, it was obvious, but also obviously what a kid in his position would do. This forces Dean to confront the issue, and be reminded courtesy of Ben that he's being kind of a hypocrite. Because, you see, Dean is always spouting the importance of family, but fails to see that he had one with them. Dean being Dean, though, can't stay.

Meanwhile, Sam has been figuring out the case on his own. He starts interviewing people at the factory where Rose and the other dudes worked, and comes upon a very suspicious one, and might I add, also creepy-looking, named Johnny. I mean, seriously. That facial hair. That stringy long hair and trucker cap. Who was he kidding? Sam, however, cottons on to it right quick, and just when it looks like poor/terrible Johnny is going to get it, Sam saves him. And then makes him confess what actually happened. See, he and his buddies decided to play a joke on Rose. The joke being that she had a secret admirer. They revealed themselves as such truly awful pranksters one night, and Rose accidentally got her head smashed. Dead. Rather than call the police, they buried her body in some random forest. Gah-ross. Clearly these were not the really great guys the various people claimed them to be after their deaths!

Sam goes off to torch the bones, and tells Johnny he's free to go. Johnny heads back home to his triple disgusting real doll girlfriend, only she turns out to still be possessed by Rose, and Johnny gets his comeuppance after all. Ugh, that Johnny. One serious creepster.

Knowing something is not quite finished with the case, Sam goes back to talk to Rose's sister Isabelle, to see if anything else of Rose's is still around that is tying her to her mortal coil. It turns out to be rather a surprise - Isabelle has one of Rose's kidneys inside her. Now that is an interesting predicament they haven't ever really discussed the possibility of before on this show. By this time, Dean has made it back to town, and they are trying to figure out just what to do.

Before they can do that, though, pissed off vengeful spirit Rose possesses Dean's baby, the metallicar, and starts chasing him around the place. Dean is forced to make the Impala crash into a building, but a piece of the broken glass manages to fly into Isabelle's gut, killing her, and thereby Rose's spirit. Poor Isabelle. The boys have really had trouble saving people lately, haven't they?

At the end of the episode, we have the return of the patented round-the-Impala brotherly chat! What! I feel like we haven't had one of those in a while, but I could be extremely wrong. Dean is feeling morose about everything that's gone on, and how they seem to have more bad luck than good and you know, the general emo crap he usually likes to hate on. Sam tries to bolster him up by thanking him for giving him back his soul, and saying he'll always have his back. But you know what Dean's thinking? Sometimes, it's not enough.

Random thoughts:

- When Sam was getting ready to torch the body, I was thinking to myself - uh oh, that's a burning body in a hole. Remind us of something?? Apparently it was fine for him, since he's done it enough times.

- The montage of Dean, Lisa and Ben was so sad. Now it really feels like it's the end of them. Sniff.

- I'm not sure Ben won't eventually decide to follow in your footsteps anyway, Dean, no matter how much you tell him he shouldn't.

- I sincerely hope I do not have dreams about dolls coming to life. Ick. Way to ruin one of my favorite childhood movies. Seriously, other Mannequin fans out there?

- Oh. Man. Next week's episode! I hope it is as hilarious as it looks to be.


"Maybe we'll have a Snooki sighting." - Dean
"What's a Snooki?" - Sam
"That's a good question." - Dean

"So what, we've got a bunch of killer dolls, like Chuckie? I mean, come on. That's just... freakin' creepy." - Dean

"I don't like the way Kim Cattrall's looking at me." - Dean

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Glee 2x13 "Comeback"

As the title of this week's episode so helpfully tells us, comebacks were the name of the game tonight. Whether it was Sue trying to get her mojo back, Sam trying to win Quinn over, or Rachel trying to be a trendsetter. Incomplete sentence! Hurrah!

Sam, after feeling threatened by Finn, decides he's going to win Quinn back over by going full Bieber. Though you wouldn't think such an idea would work, it ends up having exactly he effect he wants, sending all of the girls into a tizzy, and the other guys (minus Finn) in the group joining him for some more Bieber. While it does sway Quinn in Sam's direction, he is eventually forced to admit to himself, via a pep talk from the unlikely Santana, that he knows that Quinn kissed Finn. He breaks up with Quinn, and starts up with Santana. I just hope he never loses his inner dork, because that is my favorite thing about him. Also, Sam? How dare you make me start singing Justin Bieber songs. How dare you.

Meanwhile, Rachel is set on getting her groove back by setting herself up as a fashion trendsetter at the school. I really don't see her reasoning behind this, but whatever. She recruits Brittany to help her do just that, by wearing the stuff that Rachel already wears, thereby making it cool. It ends up backfiring in her face, though, when everyone gives the credit to Brittany. She also tries to convince the group that in order to win Regionals, they will have to perform a number they write themselves, but is shot down. Finn, however, tells her to do it anyway, and knock their socks off, because he thinks she really can do it.

Recap/review of Glee 2x13 'Comeback' by freshfromthe.comThe biggest comeback story tonight, though, was reserved for one Sue Sylvester. After being knocked off her pedestal, she feels she has nothing to live for. Somehow, Emma convinces both she and Will that she should join the glee club to regain her spirit. Of course, it was all just a ploy of hers to get behind enemy lines and destroy them from within. She first attempts to do this by stirring up diva-tension between Rachel and Mercedes, but that ends up backfiring on her. Will then tries to sway her into realizing she's doing pretty fine comparatively, by taking her to sing with some of the sick kids in the hospital cancer ward. It looks like it's done the trick when she does a full number with the glee kids, but it turns out she was just using them to see how the club really works. Why's that? Because she's somehow managed to make herself the new coach of Aural Intensity, the rival club. How that would ever actually happen in the real world is beyond me, but I guess that's Glee for you.

Elsewhere, Puck was still trying to win over Lauren. He gets one step closer by helping her overcome her fear of performing in front of people with the advice to picture them in their underwear. I'm sorry, do people actually do that? I mean, really? I don't want to see some people in their underwear, thanks.

This episode felt more like classic Glee, which is never a bad thing. Though they are really being weird with Finn's character lately. He's a nice guy, he's a douche... I don't know.


Baby - Sam
Somebody to Love - Sam & Artie
Take Me or Leave Me - Rachel & Mercedes
This Little Light of Mine - Will, Sue & kids
I Know What Boys Like - Lauren
Sing - whole club


"Will, you have more grease in your hair than the guy behind Wiki Leaks." - Sue

"Of course. My dad always said there are two ways to get a woman to love you: take her hunting, and rock and roll." - Sam

"I wore a tank top today because I thought it was summer. No one ever taught me how to read a calendar." - Brittany

"I agree with Spongehair Squarechin." - Sue

"Who can tell us what an anthem is?" - Will
"The bottom of an ant's pants." - Brittany

"And William, I don't care how adorable those kids are, if I hear one song from that classic rock outfit Journey, I will start pulling catheters." - Sue

"Here's how I see it. I know I'm the hottest bitch in this joint. If I was a country, my flag would be a big fist giving the rest of the world the finger." - Lauren

"I wants on them froggy lips, and I wants on 'em now." - Santana

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Chuck 4x15 "...vs. the CAT Squad"

With their engagement party looming ever so close on the horizon, Chuck wants to make sure that Sarah has some of her own friends there, and not just his. To do that, he gets in contact with the CAT Squad (Clandestine Attack Team) that Sarah used to run with - Catrina, Zondra and Amy. Catrina we've met before, but Zondra and Amy are new additions, with new baggage. Sarah previously found a bug in Zondra's boot, and thought she was a mole ruining various missions tracking down The Gentle Hand (oh yes, you read that right). Zondra, of course, denies it all, and since she was the first person to be accused, you know it's not going to be her. Just saying.

The leader of The Gentle Hand in question is one Augusto Gaez. After someone tries to blow up Sarah's car, they figure out that Gaez was behind it, and must get the CAT Squad back together to try to capture him one more time, this time with Casey and Chuck along for the ride. Literally, they get to wait in the van. They manage to catch Gaez after a couple foul ups, but Chuck accidentally ruins the moment when Gaez was going to confess who the girl was that was actually his spy. Whoopsie. Also, they appear to jet down to Rio lickety split, as all travel seems to take place in mere minutes on television.

Recap/review of Chuck 4x15 'Chuck versus the CAT Squad'Back in Castle, it soon becomes clear just which of the cats is the real mole. That would be Amy, the ever so perky one. She drugs Casey and knocks out the other cats while freeing Gaez. They don't make it out of the Buy More, however, because Chuck happens to be there. They capture them, all is well. Goody goody.

In the more emotional storylines, Sarah was getting annoyed with Chuck about him always trying to fix everything by bringing in the girls and such. Eventually she figures out that it was a good thing, though, after she is able to reconnect with Zondra and Catrina since the truth is finally out about Amy. They agree to be bridesmaids at the wedding, with Ellie filling in the spot of Maid of Honor.

Morgan was also having issues with his relationship with Alex this week with Catrina back in town. Catrina was doing everything in her power to be seductive and get in between the two of them, and for a while there it was working. In the end, though, Morgan is able to convince Alex that he only has eyes for her, when he admits to being in love with her. Aww.

And in a blink and you'll miss it moment, Casey opened up a little to Chuck about almost going to see his former love, and Alex's mom, Kathleen. It looks like perhaps that won't be so cut and dry as it appeared last week?


"What's going on, is it close encounters? Is this really happening?" - Morgan

"John, she desires my physical person." - Morgan
"And I'm hunting unicorns." - Casey

"Going somewhere, pussy?" - Sarah

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Pear Crisp

What's this? It's Valentine's Day? I should be showing you something chocolate-y? Pish posh. Fruit! Fruit is where it's at! Let's face it, not everyone in the world is in love with chocolate. I know, they're certainly crazy, but what can you do?

I'll tell you what you can do - you can make this pear crisp for them instead! Or you can substitute apples instead of pears, if you want. I just feel like pears are often left in apples' dust.

Pear Crisp by

And I may or may not have had a Costco size bag of pears to contend with. Shh. Don't tell the pears.

Pear Crisp

Adapted from a recipe from The Pioneer Woman. She used chopped up pecans in her topping, but I didn't feel like chopping up pecans, so I substituted oats instead.


Filling Ingredients:
  • 3 whole (to 4) Large Pears
  • 2/3 cup Sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoons Salt 
 Topping Ingredients
  • 1-½ cup All-purpose Flour
  • 1/3 cup Sugar
  • 1/3 cup Firmly Packed Brown Sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoons Cinnamon
  • 3/4 cup Oats
  • 1 stick Butter, Melted

Preparation Instructions

Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Peel, core, and dice pears. Place into a bowl and stir together with 2/3 cup sugar and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Set aside.
In a separate bowl, combine flour, sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon, and oats . Stir together. Drizzle melted butter gradually, stirring with a fork as you go until all combined.
Pour pears into a baking dish; top with crumb topping.
Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
Place pan on top rack of oven for an additional 10 minutes, or until topping is golden brown.
Serve warm with vanilla ice cream.

In photos:

Can I tell you something? I had SUCH a time peeling my pears. It was seriously a work out. I don't know if I was just doing it wrong or what. Also, I ended up only needing three pears because they were huge. If you have smaller ones, you may need four.

The dry ingredients for the topping (aka the best part of a crisp).

And with the butter mixed in. You could probably put in a few more oats than I did.

Layer of pears. I used an 8x8 pan, because otherwise I only had a 9x13... somewhere in between probably would've been best for these.

Topping piled on. It's pretty thick in this size of pan.

Pear Crisp by

And, out of the oven.

Pear Crisp by

Scooped out. Yummy.

Pear Crisp by

But it's really not complete without some vanilla bean ice cream melting all over!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Supernatural 6x13 "Unforgiven"

In case anyone was wondering just what RoboSam got up to with Grandpa Campbell before he tracked down Dean, wonder no longer. He was an overly logical badass who liked to have some sex with the ladies. Even Dean was impressed with how many girls he managed to shack up with in this particular town alone. Imagine how many he got with in a year! Whoa. Better get checked out for STDs there, buddy. Maybe your Herpexia ad will actually be true!

Recap/review of Supernatural 6x13 "Unforgiven" by freshfromthe.comYes, this episode took Sam back to his RoboSam days via flashbacks. You see, he and Samuel had previously been to this town in Rhode Island, pardon me for not remembering the name. I do remember the slogan had something to do with "memories," which is, of course, a hyuck hyuck nod to the general theme of the episode. In any event, Sam gets a mysterious text with the coordinates to said town, and he and Dean figure out that a bunch of women have gone missing there recently. Dean doesn't want to check it out, as it's definitely weird to get a mystery text, but Sam insists they must. Alas, he eventually will come to rue that decision.

Because, when they get to town, he slowly starts to realize that he had in fact been in that very town one year ago, hunting something that was also making people disappear. Only that time, it was men in their thirties. Suspicious! Why has it suddenly changed who it's targeting?! Did they not actually kill it the previous time? Full disclosure: I figured out the mystery pretty early on this episode. I said to myself: "it's targeting the ladies he slept with, duh." and then also thought to myself, "They aren't dead, she's turning them." Ring a ding ding, points for me! But I'm getting ahead of myself. It is my wont, I'm afraid.

Sam, after having gotten arrested for his past misdeeds, re-meets Brenna, the wife of the former sheriff, who went missing right before the Sams left town before. Sam has to convince her that he really doesn't remember what happened before, which he is eventually able to accomplish. By this time, Dean has figured out that all of the women who have now gone missing have a certain link to Sam - as in, they were linked. Physically. Being "loud" and "athletic" per one girl's former roommate.

Dean takes this as their cue to get out of town, since clearly the thing has lured Sam back there on purpose, but Sam, having his soul back and all, would not feel right doing that, so gets Dean to agree to stay and figure out what's going on. Yada yada, Sam remembers what went down. They had used the sheriff to lure out the monster - an arachne - only the sheriff got taken. They found the nest and killed the arachne, but all of the other men were already infected with her poison, so Sam shot all of them, and they burned the place down, thinking they were all done and dusted.

Of course, that's not the case, as the sheriff turns back up, having now been turned into an arachne-thing, set on revenge against Sam. He traps Sam and Dean, has a bout of monologueing detailing how the original arachne was breeding, and all those other dudes are out there somewhere doing the same, so Sam really only made things worse before. Dean manages to break free, Brenna frees Sam, and he kills the poor spidersheriff dead. By beheading, you know. Beheading usually works.

For their end of episode chat, Sam tells Dean that he was right - the second time in the episode too - that they never should have come there. He laments some more about the whole soulless RoboSam still being him and whatnot, Dean tries to cheer him up - and then! Then! I did not expect this to be happening so soon! Sam collapses to the floor with a memory of Hell seeping through - one of being burned alive. And... BLACK! Dang! I was actually surprised they already have the wall cracking. So quick! What's gonna happen!

Random thoughts:

- Spiders. Can I get a yuck? Yuck yuck yuck. Though, as with all Supernatural beasties, they basically looked like people. Gotta wonder what sort of monsters they'd envision with the right budget.

- RoboSam? Still scary, even in flashbacks. Perhaps more so, because he was acting more emotionless than we saw much of earlier this season when he was trying to hide his emotionless-ness.

- How far will the wall come down? Will Sam be able to handle it when it does, or will he really turn into a drooling mess, as everyone fears?

- I am jealous of any of you who may be at the LA Con this weekend! Sure, I live in LA, but that thing is dang expensive.


"So, Mel Gibson really took a turn this past year, huh?" - Sam
"Or he's possessed. Seriously, think about it." - Dean

"What was that? She just cougar-eyed you." - Dean

"One of dad's rules - you never use the same crapper twice." - Dean
"Everyone uses the same crapper twice." - Sam
"Not us." - Dean

Previous Episode -- Next Episode

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Glee 2x12 "Silly Love Songs"

Whoa, two episodes of Glee in three days' time, I don't know if I can handle it. This episode felt more like classic Glee than the big Super Bowl post show did, which is really a relief, because, you know what? I didn't really like the Super Bowl episode much. And here's the thing. This episode had no Sue, that episode had lots of Sue. And while Sue always has the best lines, she kind of overtakes things, and not in a good way. This is nothing against Jane Lynch, who is fantastic. I just feel like the writers do not know how to keep such a huge cast occupied.

That being said, this episode was mostly enjoyable. What I didn't like - the whole Finn/Quinn sudden romantic re-emergence. We had absolutely no hint that they still had real feelings for each other until the last episode, when suddenly they did. Um, okay. This week, Finn decides that he's going to win her back by having a kissing booth, thereby apparently goading her into kissing him, and realizing she wants to do more of it. Finn, who was so upset at being cheated on both times, now is encouraging Quinn to cheat a second time. Idiot. At least she pointed out this idiocy to him, but he just brushed it off and got her to kiss him again. Yeesh.

Recap/review of Glee 2x12 'Silly Love Songs' by freshfromthe.comMeanwhile, Puck has found himself suddenly infatuated with Lauren, and I have to say, that whole storyline had me laughing. Loved it. What's great about Lauren, Puck pointed out, is that she is just as much of a badass as him, and doesn't take crap from anyone. That means that Puck has work at it, and can't just expect her to like him because he's hot. He tries to profess his interest to her in song, but chooses an offensive one, so she's put off. He then tries to make it up to her, but she blows him off. In the end, she tells him that if he wants to have something, they have to take it slow. Will this last long? Who knows. But it made for some hilarity this episode.

Santana, however, was not so happy about Puck's sudden infatuation. So how did she decide to get over being rebuffed by the dude with the mohawk? By getting revenge.... on Quinn and Finn. Um. Okay? She noticed the way they were looking at each other, and devised a plan to give Finn mono via the kissing booth he set up, so then he would in turn give it to Quinn. And lo, they both got mono in approximately 12 hours. Does it really only take that long? Wait, this is Glee, believability is not always a strong point. Quinn and Finn have to go off to the nurse's office, where Quinn tells Finn that if they ever were to have a chance back together, they both have to sort out what they feel for Sam and Rachel.

In the last major storyline of the evening, Blaine confessed to Kurt that he wanted to profess his love for a friend, in musical fashion. Kurt, of course, thought that the friend in question was him, but actually it was just a guy that works at the Gap. The guy from the Gap does not like Blaine's big romantic gesture so much, because he, you know, got fired, and wasn't actually out to his coworkers. Whoops. This prompts Kurt to eventually tell Blaine how he feels about him, though, and they agree to be friends first and see here it goes. Seems to be a theme, no?

Anyone else notice that look between Sam and Santana? Are they going to have a love story? I think it would be kind of cool to see Santana actually fall for someone. I could get behind those two, not gonna lie.

Otherwise, Rachel decided that she's going to take a break from romantic entanglements and focus on her career. After how Finn acted in this entire episode, seriously, good for her.

Fat Bottomed Girls - Puck
PYT (Pretty Young Thing) - Artie
When I Get You Alone - Blaine
My Funny Valentine - Tina
Firework - Rachel
Silly Love Songs - Blaine


"Also, those candies you gave me? They all sucked." - Lauren
"But you ate all of them." - Puck
"I had to make sure they all sucked." - Lauren

"You know, I've kissed Finn. And can I just say? Not worth a buck. I would, however, pay $100 to jiggle one of his man boobs." - Santana

"That's my man, his legs don't work!" - Brittany

"Please, I've had mono so many times, it turned into stereo." - Santana

"I don't think I've ever made that big of a fool of myself. Which is really saying something, because I've performed at theme parks." - Blaine

"Can I be honest with you? I like you. I used to think you were smokin', but a lot of that had to do with the fact that I thought you were mixed-race, and that never fails to get me goin'." - Lauren

Previous Episode -- Next Episode

Monday, February 7, 2011

Chuck 4x14 "...vs. the Seduction Impossible"

If anyone was actually doubting whether Sarah said yes to Chuck's proposal in the final scene of last week's episode, you can rest easy. Though I also question your sanity, because duh. Of course, now that everyone knows about the engagement, they all are throwing in their two cents about everything - dates, colors, etc. - so much so to freak Sarah the heck out. She tells Chuck she wants to elope rather than have the big fancy to do. And it takes him the whole freakin' episode to figure out that it's not because of his family, but because of her family, that she doesn't want a big wedding. Hello!

Recap/review of Chuck 4x14 'Chuck versus the Seduction Impossible' by freshfromthe.comLove wasn't just in the air for Chuck and Sarah, though. John Larroquette was back as Roan Montgomery, the suave spy with the seduction school, and he apparently had a secret romantic history with one General Beckman that has been going on for quite a long time. And round about twenty years ago, they promised to each other that if they were still alive in two decades, they'd settle down together. But instead, he ends up in a spot of trouble over in Morocco, and Beckman sends in the team to get him out. It's all some nonsense about a mint to make counterfeit for the new $100 bill, a mission Roan was never authorized to go on in the first place, because he was afraid to confront Beckman. In the end, the pair decide that neither of them are the settling down type, though they will still enjoy their dalliances.

In yet more relationship news, Morgan is set to meet Alex's mom for the first time, and he wants Casey to tell her mom, Kathleen, that he's actually alive. Casey says he'll think about it, but then Morgan finds out that Alex doesn't actually want her mom to know after all, because she's finally got a life of her own. Casey looks like he's going to tell her anyway, but then he sees her happy with someone else, and decides against it.

And in the tiniest of subplots, Mama B was doing her best to be a great grandma to new baby Clara. But Ellie could see that she was missing the spy life, and gave her the go ahead to get back to it. And apparently Ellie still doesn't know that Chuck has been spying again? That's what she seemed to say, but I honestly don't remember one way or the other what the deal is there.

Oh, and there was fighting and guns and Casey almost cut off his arm when he got trapped in a wall. You know, the norm.

My two favorite moments of the episode: Sarah's attempted, and nearly successful, seduction of Chuck, mostly because he was going to try to do the same thing to her. And the other, of course, was when General Beckman fired that rocket launcher at Fatima when she was threatening Roan. Ah, badass Beckman.


"I'm actually sweating. The last time I sweat, there was gunfire involved." - Sarah

"Chuck, if you get us caught because you sneeze, we are officially the worst spies ever." - Sarah
"I know, bad three Stooges, I get it, and I won't, but man it is dusty." - Chuck

"Well maybe we should change, then!" - Chuck
"Fine. Fine!" - Sarah
"I'm not saying I want to change... I want you to stay in... always, always... whatever you're wearing right now..." - Chuck

Previous Episode -- Next Episode

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Glee 2x11 "The Sue Sylvester Shuffle"

You know, I remember a time last season when this show had a very similar plot about the football players doing a dance number. Remember? Single Ladies? In fact, lots of the storylines on this show are the same week after week. The glee club gets slushies, the football team calls them losers, Karofsky's a homophobe, Sue is a dictator who will do anything to elevate the Cheerios. Blah blah blah, heard it all before!
In any event, this week's episode was about the championships for both the football team and the cheerios. The football team was in disarray because half of them look down on the other half for being in glee. Will and Beiste decide to band together to try to bridge the rift by getting the football team to try out glee for a week. Things go bad (fights!), then good (they agree to do a halftime show), then bad again after the hockey team (complete with mullets) slushies the football team. They get a taste of their own medicine, and immediately decide to quit, which means they won't be able to play in the big game.

Recap/review of Glee 2x11 "The Sue Sylvester Shuffle" by freshfromthe.comMeanwhile, Sue has gone overboard with the cheerios nationals number, buying a cannon to make things bigger and more insane. She also gets the board to set the championship during the same time as the football game, thus forcing Quinn, Brittany and Santana to choose between the two. They choose the cheerios, because they don't want to be losers or whatever. Loserdom was the theme of the evening, clearly.

Rather than just let the guys forfeit the football game, the ladies of glee step up to join the football team. Only once they start getting trounced and Tina almost gets seriously hurt, Finn decides they've got to fix things. He takes off to get the cheerleaders back, and Puck manages to rouse the other guys to come back and do the halftime show they had planned. The show goes off great, and they are able to bring it back together and win the game in the end. All is well, right? Well, not so much. Because though Karofsky had a great time singing and dancing, that doesn't mean he's going to permanently join glee. Surprised? Not me.

Sue ended up losing what would have been her 7th consecutive cheerleading national championship without Quinn, Brittany and Santana, and is faced with the terrible truth that her extra funding will now be going to the glee club.

Quinn seemed to suddenly be more into Finn than she has been, ever, this week when he stepped up and got in her face about not choosing glee over the cheerios. She even kissed him at the end of the episode. I guess she and Sam are not going to work out?

I have to say my favorite part of the whole episode was, after Sue was going on her rampage, Will was in the locker room with Beiste and telling her about it, then Sue comes in and continues the rampage in there too. That made me laugh out loud.

I will also say that I thought the music numbers this week were all pretty great. If I had to pick a favorite, it would have to go to the Warblers' rendition of Bills, Bills, Bills.

Enough from me - what did you think?


Need You Now - Rachel and Puck
Thriller/Heads Will Roll - Cast ft. Artie
She's Not There - Finn
Bills, Bills, Bills - Warblers ft. Blaine


"Dear Journal, I am in crisis. Not even the can't lose combination of boobs and fire can get me going anymore. Is it the raccoon hormones my new doctor gave me?" - Sue

"You guys have gotta find a way to come together or we're gonna get our asses kicked from here until Tuesday finds a saddlebag full of buckwheat!" - Beiste

"I don't wanna die yet, at least not until One Tree Hill gets canceled." - Brittany

"The glee club together with the football team is like a double rainbow. A zombie double rainbow." - Brittany

"I don't sing and dance! I walk big and tall and carry a big stick!" - Karofsky

"How many m's are there in the letter r?" - Brittany

"I'm gonna die." - Brittany
"It'll be worth it." - Santana

Previous Episode -- Next Episode

Friday, February 4, 2011

Supernatural 6x12 "Like a Virgin"

After having to wait an extra week for the return of our dear Winchesters, I can safely say that I think the direction of the second half of this season looks to be picking up quite nicely. We got a cool "road so far" recap set to Back in the Saddle (how appropriate) and this week's case took the boys to somewhere near Portland, Oregon! Hometown shout out! And! I have to admit, I was more than happy to have the old Sam back. Robo-Sam was downright scary, even more so now that we have regular Sam back and can see the difference so easily.

So what does it mean to have Sam re-souled? Apparently when Death put up that wall in Sam's mind to block out Hell, he also blocked out the memories of what Sam did while he was without his soul. The last thing he remembers was taking the big leap down below. Dean thinks it's pretty much a blessing, and doesn't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, while Bobby is less than enthusiastic about that plan, especially considering Robo-Sam tried to kill him not so long ago. Bobby also has the fortitude to tell Dean that Sam's going to find out eventually, and it should come from them. Voice of reason! Of course, Dean is like psha, I'll keep up the charade as long as possible! It's what I do! He may have said it more growly, I admit.
And without missing nary a beat, the boys are already back on a new case. What's happening this time around? Virgins are going missing, and all signs are pointing to a rather unlikely source... dragons. Indeed, dragons. After Community had an episode about Dungeons and Dragons last night, it's just a regular dragonfest on TV lately! These Supernatural-fied dragons, however, aren't quite like the ones in the storybooks. They can look like people, but sort of morph into bat-like thing with wings and hands that can heat up. And they still like to hoard gold. Typical.

Recap/review of Supernatural 6x12 "Like a Virgin" by freshfromthe.comWhile Dean tasks Sam with figuring out where the dragon in town is hiding, Dean goes off to talk to a Ms. Visiak. I'm not sure of the spelling, but oh well. She's a professor type friend of Bobby's who knows a lot about dragons, and apparently a lot about Bobby as well. Ooh la la! She gives Dean the lowdown on how to kill a dragon. In short, you need a sword forged from dragon's blood. There were only six ever made, and she just so happens to have one in her basement. It's not Excalibur, but it's just as stuck in a ton of rock as the stories of old, requiring a noble knight ready to slay the dragon to pull it free. Who's up to the task? Dean thinks he is, but finds he doesn't quite have what it takes to pull it out. Instead, he blows up the rock! Innovation! Only, he blows off half the sword too. Oops.

Meanwhile, Sam has cottoned on to the fact that Dean hasn't been entirely truthful about what happened in the last year or so. He tries to get some information out of Bobby, but when Bobby isn't that helpful, he turns to Castiel, who Dean was not smart enough to tell the plan to, apparently. Because Sam barely has to bait the hook for Cas to completely spill all the beans. And ah man, the look on Sam's face when he heard he was walking around without a soul? So sad.

But, he is able to table that particular discussion for the time being, because he and Dean have a dragon to kill! In the lovely and also really huge and spacious sewers. Seriously, are sewers really like that? I mean, I've never been in one, but it seems weird they'd be that big with, like, separate rooms and stuff. In any event, the boys venture down into the depths and find a whole mess of girls locked up, and not just one, but two dragons there waiting to try to kill them. They scrabble a bit, and Sam manages to kill one of them with the half-broken sword of Brunswick (I think that's what she called it, anyway). The other gets away.

After the dust has settled, Sam confronts Dean about the soulless thing. Only he's not angry, which was refreshing. Instead, he was apologetic, and vowed to right any wrongs he did when he didn't have his soul. Dean stressed to him that he shouldn't go digging up all of those memories because of what else might come with them, but you know what? I'm just glad they didn't fight at all in this episode. It was so nice to just have them be nice to each other, you know? A relief, really.

Instead of ending on the meaningful chat, though, the episode refocused on something else the boys found down in the sewers - a manuscript of some kind, fashioned from human skin, with instructions on how to open a door into Purgatory. But not for going in, for letting something out. What something? Mother. Mother of what, you ask? The Mother of all Evil, it appears. And that's what the virgins were for, though if they just needed to throw one off the cliff into the pit thingy to raise Mother, I'm not sure why they needed the rest. Perhaps she eats them? Or maybe she burns through them really quickly? Will this be touched on or simply waved away because I clearly was thinking too much into it?

All I know is, I'm happy to have the show back! 

Random Thoughts:

- The opening plane crash straight into the title card was pretty cool. Breaking glass and all.

- Everyone was wondering whether there would be a fabled Winchester hug in this episode - and there was! Did it fulfill all your hopes and dreams?

- Of course Dean likes a woman "with experience." Oh Dean.

- Loved Misha's "awkward" reaction with the non-hug with Sam. Ahahaha, too funny.

- When Dean was stretching to reach the sword through that grate, all I could think to myself was - go get Sam! He can grab it quick, he's got longer arms! Sure enough, when he went to get it, it was super easy for him!

- Jared could use a haircut, that's all I'm saying.


"What was that?" - Sam
"One part age, three parts liquor?" - Dean

"Looks like those other two missing girls both baked cookies for the Lord." - Sam
"What is that, code?" - Dean

"'I've decided, I'm going to give Stan my most precious gift.'" - Dean, quoting a diary
"Wow, that sounded really creepy coming out of your mouth." - Sam
"I think I delivered it." - Dean

"Shut up, I'm hilarious." - Dean

"Look, I would hug you, but..." - Sam
"That would be awkward." - Castiel

"You rocks think you're so smart..." - Dean

Previous Episode -- Next Episode

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

S'mores Bars

You know what's sort of hilarious? I've been kind of obsessed with trying to make some sort of treat that was like s'mores, but not, for a while now. And do you know what I forgot in the process? I don't even like s'mores that much! What in the world! Why did I want to make something like them so bad?

S'mores Bars by

It's because I always think I'm going to like them more than I do. What is that about? This may require some serious personal reflection.

Or not. Probably not.

But. Hey! You there! You probably like s'mores, right? Then you'll probably love these bars. They've got everything in a convenient bar form!

S'mores Bars

* 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter or margarine, softened
* 3/4 cup sugar
* 1 egg
* 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
* 1-1/3 cups all-purpose flour
* 3/4 cup graham cracker crumbs
* 1 teaspoon baking powder
* 1/4 teaspoon salt
* 1-1/3 cups (8-oz. pkg.) HERSHEY'S Mini Milk Chocolate Bars OR 5 HERSHEY'S Milk Chocolate Bars (1.55 oz. each)
* 3 cups miniature marshmallows

1. Heat oven to 350 degree F. Grease 8-inch square baking pan.

2. Beat butter and sugar until well blended in large bowl. Add egg and vanilla; beat well. Stir together flour, graham cracker crumbs, baking powder and salt; add to butter mixture, beating until blended. Press half of dough in prepared pan. Bake 15 minutes.

3. Sprinkle mini chocolate bars over baked layer or arrange unwrapped chocolate bars over baked layer, breaking as needed to fit. Sprinkle with marshmallows; scatter bits of remaining dough over marshmallows, forming top layer. Bake 10 to 15 minutes or just until lightly browned. Cool completely in pan on wire rack. Cut into bars.

In photographs:

I recently got a little mini food processor that I used to crush up the graham crackers.

I used my most fancy dish - a pyrex bowl! ha. - to soften the butter and mix in the sugar.

Here 'tis with the eggs and vanilla all mixed in, resembling dough more and more.

After you add in the graham cracker/flour mixture, which I apparently forgot to take a photo of, press half of the dough into your greased up pan.

It will come out looking something like this.

Oooh, now for the fun part. Layer of Hershey's bars.

Layer of marshmallows.

Crumble the rest of the dough on top. Use your hands, it won't kill you.

It will come out looking something like this. As in, not a whole lot different to the naked eye!

After you've let it cool, which is really a necessity if you don't want marshmallow goo going everywhere, cut up some bars and serve!


Incidentally, these were sort of bland to me. But I had some friends who seemed to like them just fine, so maybe it was just my predisposed to not-really-liking s'mores propensity showing through. Sure.